New Delhi: Congress leader Digvijaya Singh, who visited Shaheen Bagh area late Monday night, said that Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Register of Citizens (NRC) and National Population Register (NPR) are against the Constitution of India as "no one has the right to ask for proof of citizenship from people who chose to live in the country".
The Congress leader visited the Shaheen Bagh area in Delhi where people are protesting against the CAA, NRC and NPR for over a month.
"We are against CAA, NRC, NPR. These are against the Constitution. We are against the Centre's divisive policy. No one has the right to ask for proof of citizenship from people who chose to live here," he said.
The Congress leader was, however, not allowed by women protestors to go to the stage or to deliver a speech during his visit to the Shaheen Bagh area.
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Singh, who visited the area along with his wife, later claimed that he was asked to deliver a speech but he refused stating that "it is not a political stage".
Taking a dig at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Singh said if there he silent on CAA, one can understand Kejriwal's allegiance.
"I want to request Delhi Police that the right to implement NSA that they have taken...why was the NSA not imposed on DSP Davinder Singh who was caught openly roaming with terrorist, why was he not charged with sedition," he said responding to a question about Delhi Police appealing the protesters to vacate the place.
CAA gives citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian refugees, excluding Muslims, who came from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan to India on or before December 31, 2014.