Mainpuri: Uttar Pradesh police on Friday booked a man for allegedly killing her own sister as the girl had married someone from a different caste six months ago. The accused shot her sister dead and buried her body in the fields.
The deceased, identified as Chandni, belonged to Uttar Pradesh's Kasyap Nagar. She was in a relationship with Arjun Jatav who used to work in a factory in Delhi. The couple met when Chandni came to stay at her aunt's house in Delhi. The couple eloped and tied a knot six months ago in Pratapgarh.
However, the disgruntled family of Chandni opposed the marriage and called her back to Kasyap Nagar. When Arjun came to know that Chandani's family has called her back to her native village, he went back to Delhi and tried contacting her. But Chandni's phone was switched off.
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Confused Arjun approached the police station and filed a complaint against Chandni's brothers Sudhir and Sunil in Mayur Vihar Police station. The police swung into action and lodged a complaint and took victim's brother Sudhir into police custody.
Chandni's husband Arjun said, "We eloped and married in Pratapgarh. We were living in the village and were also in contact with Sunil. The family persuaded her and called her back to Delhi. We talked for two days but on the third day, I could not reach out to her. She was beaten and was not allowed to leave the house to meet me. On Friday, her phone was unreachable after which I lodged a police complaint."
According to the police, the brothers have confessed to their crime that they had shot his sister and buried her body in the field. ASI Manoj Kumar Tomar, police officers Kailash Chandra and Rakesh Singh, head constables Upendra Kumar Sahni and Vijay Kumar Kishani reached the crime spot. The police officers and the forensic team used JCB and attempted retrieving the body from the field but failed.
Police said that they have not found any body or skeleton and search will continue.
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