Hyderabad: In times such as these, each one of us should be equipped to protect ourselves from the deadly attack of the coronavirus disease. We should especially try to introspect if our bodies are capable of tackling and counter-attacking this virus if it enters our body. Further, what are the measures that we can take to avoid contraction of the infection?
In a telephonic interview with ETV Bharat, Dr. Maddipati Krishna Rao, a leading scientist from Detroit, US, who is presently serving as an associate professor at Wayne State University and director of the Lipidomic Core Facility, answered a host of such queries and made several important suggestions while stressing on increasing immunity levels as the only way of tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
Indulging in a diet rich of omega- 3 fatty acids can boost immunity, says Dr. Rao, who has been doing a lot of extensive research on fatty acids that can be used to either increase and reduce inflammation. He further stated that the vast majority of human diseases are caused due to increased inflammation in human beings. Around 5-10 percent of coronavirus, deaths are also caused due to this condition itself.
Excerpts from the interview:
Process of Repair / Healing
When the body is physically wounded, the white blood cells present in the body try to remove the dead cells, and also when the pathogens enter the body, such as bacteria and viruses too, these white blood cells push the pathogens out of the body. In both cases, this process of healing and pushing out the pathogens is called Inflammation. It is the process of healing the damaged part of the body. This process should not be viewed in a negative manner. If that doesn't happen ... the body will not respond to any external or internal injuries. Inflammation is characterized by four symptoms: swelling/inflammation, pain, redness, and fever.
Keeping a check on the harmful pathogens
When microbes like viruses and harmful bacteria enter the body ... the white blood cells immediately enter the field and act upon those foreign bodies. Red blood cells are of just a single type. However, White blood cells are of many different types. Each type performs a unique task. Some white blood cells carry few of the viruses to be drained, some cells work to dismantle the viruses to be excreted and some of the cells are destined to perform a specific function in the damaged organ part. Different white blood cells are positioned at different places in the body such as the lungs, the digestive system etc., and perform respective functions.
'Worse than bleaching agents'
A huge functional process takes place in the human body to destroy the harmful micro-organisms that enter the human body. Firstly, Omega- 6 fatty acids start working by releasing compounds called prostaglandins and leukotrienes. These compounds attract white blood cells. Immediately a type of white blood cells enters the field. They release protein molecules called cytokines to attract other white blood cells. Cytokines also have several variants. Cytokines are released to attract white blood cells that work in the organ where the problem lies. The white blood cells come and break the microbes into pieces. They release very powerful and deadly chemicals as part of the process of draining and excreting the harmful organisms. These chemicals released by the white cells are much toxic than the usual bleaching powder we use in cleaning our homes. Hence, at times, those chemicals can damage even the normal cells in a human body. This whole process is called inflammation.
Factors that can reduce inflammation
Inflammation reaches a peak level in the process of destroying harmful microorganisms. When the wound seems to have healed, the white blood cells that cause the inflammation slowly change their appearance. This process of the white cells getting back into shape is assisted by Omega- 3 fatty acids. Some types of components that are released by the fatty acids, can reduce inflammation. This process is known as 'Inflammation Resolution' or 'Omega- 3 Fatty Acid Resolution’. In some cases, if omega- 3 fats are not enough in the human body or if there are problems with the release of the compounds that can control the inflammation in the body, the process of inflammation continuous non-stop. And this situation can lead to a lot of further complications in the health of a particular person.
The Surging Cytokines
There are many risks of having uncontrolled inflammation in the body. Many ailments such as Heart disease, cancer, and arthritis are caused by the lack of control in inflammation. They are called Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. If there are about five out of every 100 cancer patients that are genetically affected, the remaining 95 people have got the disease due to some form of inflammation only!! When it comes to Covid-19 patients, in about 90-95 percent of the infected patients, the white blood cells present in the patient’s body is successful in killing the virus and in the process, the patient’s immunity levels are also on the rise. However, the remaining 5-10 percent of the patients are becoming gullible to the uncontrolled inflammation, which is becoming a cause for worry, as there is a very high chance of their death. Among such patients, cytokines, which contribute to the process of inflammation in the body, are released as a surge. This is known as ‘cytokine storm’.
Aquatic plants & Omega-3