Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood Actor Rakul Preet Singh, whose name also surfaced in the Bollywood drug case, has moved the Delhi High court seeking an interim direction to the respondents to ensure that the media does not broadcast any programme or publish, print or circulate any article or write-ups relating to her in the matter.
Actor Singh, in her petition, told the Delhi High Court that the media has continued its "slander campaign" by not only re-broadcasting and reporting the earlier falsehoods but also attributing statements to her during the investigation which she never made to the NCB.
The petition was filed by advocates Aman Hingorani, Shweta Hingorani, and Himanshu Yadav.
"Issue an ad-interim direction to the Respondents to ensure that the media (whether electronic, print or digital) does not broadcast any programme or publish, print or circulate any article or write-ups qua the Petitioner on the allegations which are pending before the Narcotics Control Bureau, Mumbai in the criminal investigation in Crime No. MZU/NCB/15/2020 till the time the Narcotics Control Bureau completes the investigation and files an appropriate report/document before the competent court," the petition read.
Also read:SSR case: Rakul Preet Singh, Deepika Padukone's manager join NCB probe
Earlier Singh has moved the Delhi High Court seeking directions not to telecast or publish on TV channels and other platforms any content related to the narcotic drugs case that maligns or slanders her image.
She also told the High Court that media reports are being run in contravention with the Information and Broadcasting Ministry guidelines.