New Delhi: With less than a month to go for assembly elections in the national capital, the BJP said that it will charge Rupee 1 from the poor for the water and electricity supply. The party also said that it will give only three seats to its alliance partner Siromani Akali Dal (SAD) in the city and it would not have an alliance with the Dushyant Chautala-led Jannayak Janata Party (JJP).
Speaking to reporters here on Monday, west Delhi BJP MP Parvesh Singh Verma told reporters, "If we win in the upcoming assembly polls our party will levy a token charge of Rupee 1 for water and power supply to poor people in the city."
Targeting the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government led by Arvind Kejriwal in the city over its free water and electricity scheme, Verma said: "The token charge will be to honour the self-respect of the residents of Delhi."
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The BJP leader said that he has conveyed his suggestion to the party's manifesto committee and it could be one of the major attractions of the poll promises of the saffron party for the assembly elections slated to take place on February 8.