New Delhi: The death of an18-year-old college student allegedly over his friendship with a woman has sparked national furore across the nation. Although the Delhi government has announced Rs 10 lakhs to the family of the deceased, BJP leaders are questioning the silence of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Delhi BJP Chief Adesh Gupta lashed out at Kejriwal government and accused him of doing appeasement politics.
He said, "The way Rahul was killed by people of one particular community has pained Delhites. His family members should be given security and the matter should be heard in a fast-track court. Why is CM Kejriwal silent? His silence is creating doubts in the minds of citizens."
Gupta also met the family of the deceased came down heavily on Congress for indulging in 'appeasement politics'.
He went on to add, "Congress leaders went to another state a week ago in the name of Dalits and held candlelight march but they are silent on this issue because they do "appeasement" politics''.
He was apparently referring to the death and alleged gang rape of a 19-year-old woman in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras. In this hour of grief, Delhi BJP stands firmly with Rahul's family, he added.
BJP leader Kapil Mishra has compared the death of Rahul to that of Dhruv Tyagi and Ankit Saxena. He said that the accused killed Rahul in a brutal manner. The Kejriwal Government should extend legal help and financial support to the victim’s family.