New Delhi:The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sardar R P Singh on Friday extended its support to the Centre's decision to bring the Citizenship Amendment Bill and took a dig at Congress and Trinamool Congress for protesting against the bill. He also slammed former prime minister Manmohan Singh for remaining silent over the issue.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Singh said, "Parties like Congress and TMC are taking a U-turn today while Manmohan Singh has decided to keep mum regarding the Citizenship Amendment Bill for vote bank politics. He is the same person who had raised this issue in Rajya Sabha in 2003."
"His statement is still on record. Manmohan had urged the then Union Minister and Deputy Prime Minister LK Advani to bring the Citizenship Amendment Bill to avoid persecution the minorities are facing in countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh," he added.
On Thursday, the Congress, the Trinamool Congress and other parties opposed to the contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) and have decided that for the next few days they would put their efforts in creating awareness about the “divisive” nature of the proposed legislation.