New Delhi:Expressing gratitude to the emergency staff working during the lockdown imposed to control the spread of coronavirus, BJP president J P Nadda on Wednesday launched a website on which people can post their thank you messages for "Corona Warriors".
With some opposition leaders taking a dim view of the Modi government's efforts to deal with the crisis, Nadda said the Centre is open to implementing constructive suggestions but there should be no politics in the matter.
Everybody should unite in this hour of crisis as this is not a time for "politics of allegations", he said.
In a statement, Nadda urged people to join him in thanking health professionals, sanitation staff, police and other emergency service providers on "" and expressed confidence that India will prevail over the pandemic soon due to their selfless service.
His message, which was also posted on social media, came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked BJP workers to write thank you messages and have people join the exercise as a mark of gratitude to health professionals, sanitation staff, police and other emergency service providers.
"Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call, the country has united in tackling COVID-19. In this valiant battle for humanity's future, Corona Warriors are at the forefront. I salute their grit and determination. Join. #ThankYouCoronaWarriors," Nadda said.