Hyderabad:The Bharatiya Janta Party has asked its MP, Anantkumar Hegde, to issue an unconditional apology while distancing itself from his latest remark calling Mahatma Gandhi-led freedom struggle a 'drama', as per sources.
Hegde has reportedly been asked to take back his controversial statement.
The former Union Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship on Sunday stoked a controversy by saying that the entire freedom movement was "staged with the consent and support of the British".
"None of these so-called leaders were beaten up by the cops even once. Their independence movement was one big drama. It was staged by these leaders with the approval of the British. It was not a genuine fight. It was an adjustment freedom struggle," the six-time MP had said while addressing a public event in Bengaluru.
"People supporting Congress keep saying that India got independence because of the fast unto death and satyagraha. This is not true. The British did not leave the country because of satyagraha. Britishers gave independence out of frustration. My blood boils when I read history. Such people become Mahatma in our country," he had railed.