New Delhi: The news of a 13-year-old girl Jyoti Kumari taking her injured father home in Bihar's Darbhanga - 1,300 km from Gurugram, on a bicycle during the lockdown, has impressed US President Donald Trump's daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump.
Praising Jyoti, Ivanka on Friday shared the news on Twitter and said the "beautiful feat of endurance and love has captured the imagination of the Indian people and the cycling federation".
She tweeted, "15 yr old Jyoti Kumari, carried her wounded father to their home village on the back of her bicycle covering +1,200 km over 7 days. This beautiful feat of endurance & love has captured the imagination of the Indian people and the cycling federation!"
Also read:|13-year-old girl pedals 1300 km on bicycle to take her father home in Bihar
Responding to Ivanka, former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah said: "Her poverty and desperation are being glorified as if Jyoti rode 1,200 km for the thrill of it. Government failed her, that's hardly something to trumpet as an achievement."