New Delhi: The Bharat Ratna awardee and former President of India, Pranab Mukherjee had passed away, on Monday, at 84 after battling illness. His ex-colleague in the Cabinet of UPA-I, veteran Congress leader, former External Affairs Minister, and writer, Kunwar Natwar Singh fondly remembered him, while revealing that Pranab Mukherjee used to consider his decision of becoming the President of India as his "biggest mistake". Here's an interview of K. Natwar Singh with ETV Bharat.
Q. You'd worked for years with Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. How do you see his political journey throughout?
NS: He was among the most experienced politician of his generation. He held the three most important portfolios, a man could've held- External Affairs, Finance, and Defense. He would've made an excellent Prime Minister but I will not go into detail, why he didn't become. He was one of the outstanding Presidents we had, including Dr. Rajendra and Dr. Radhakrishnan.
He had vast experience in politics. He knew how to handle a difficult situation. He was an efficient, competent, forceful Minister and he was widely respected.
How skilful he was, you can judge from the fact that Dr. Manmohan Singh became Prime Minister but not Pranab Mukherjee. Normally, a man would've resigned because Manmohan Singh had worked under Pranab Mukherjee. But no, he thought of the nation, thought of the Congress party and he adjusted to the situation to work in harmony. This is what Pranab Mukherjee was.
Q. But, did he himself wanted to become the Prime Minister?
NS: Absolutely. There is no doubt about it. And, why shouldn't he?