New DelhiSadiya Anwar Sheikh, a second-year mass communication student from Maharashtra's Pune who was arrested by the NIA for her alleged links with the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) module, a banned terror organisation that is part of the IS, was in touch with several key leaders on secure messaging platforms.
She was also part of their channels to build up a cadre to carry out terrorist activities in the country, sources said on Saturday.
According to top NIA sources, Sheikh was arrested on July 12 along with a gym operator Nabeel Khatri from Pune for trying to build up a cadre of ISKP in India, which is also a part of the IS-JK module.
The source said that the IS has made several such groups in different parts of the world. The NIA source said that Sheikh, 22, was a highly radicalised extremist, who had undergone de-radicalisation twice before and was allegedly in constant touch with the Kashmiri couple -- Jahanazaib Sami Wani and his wife Hina Bashir Beigh.
The Kashmiri couple was arrested in the ISKP module case initially registered with the Delhi Police's Special Cell on March 8 this year from Delhi.
The source claimed that Sheikh was in touch with Abdullah Basith, who is already in Delhi's Tihar jail in another ISIS Abu Dabhi module case.
The source added that according to the secure messaging application digital interceptions Sheikh was in touch with several IS handlers to propagate the ideology of the ISIS and further its activities in India.