Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Thursday decided to entrust to the CBI the probe into the chariot burning incident at the famous Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple at Antarvedi in East Godavari district. The Chief Minister's Office said in a release that Jagan has taken the issue 'seriously'.
"In spite of this, and the local investigation which the AP police have taken as a challenge, some political parties and organisations have been demanding for a CBI investigation. As a fully transparent government, the Chief Minister has directed the Director-General of Police to hand over the investigation to the CBI," the CMO release said.
Accordingly, the DGP wrote a letter to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs, it added. The 60-year-old wooden chariot of the Antarvedi temple was gutted in a mysterious fire in the wee hours of Sunday. The 40-feet high chariot made of teak wood was parked in a shed on the temple premises.
READ: Andhra: Antravedi chariot gutting triggers unrest from opposition parties