Gandhinagar:Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Amit Shah on Saturday said his wife Sonal Shah's income grew from Rs 14 lakh annually to Rs 2.3 crore in the last five years, which is a 16-fold increase.
The declaration was made by Shah while filing his nomination papers for the Lok Sabha elections from the Gandhinagar constituency.
As per the declaration, the BJP President's total movable and immovable assets are worth over Rs 31 crore. Shah has also shown that he inherited over Rs 23 crore from his late mother Kusum Shah in 2013.
Shah's income for 2017-18 has been shown as Rs 53,90,970. In 2013-14, Shah's income was Rs 41,93,218.
His wife's income grew from Rs 14,55,637 in 2013-14 to over Rs 2.3 crore in 2017-18.
In 2014-15, Sonal Shah's income was Rs 39,75,970, which grew to over Rs 1 crore in 2015-16. Income sources have been shown as income from rent and agriculture and dividends from share investments.