Delhi: The Congress Wednesday dared the Bharatiya Janta Party leaders to punish its Bhopal candidate and Malegaon blast accused Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur forgetting the "niceties of law" for her alleged criminal conspiracy against 26/11 Mumbai terror attack martyr Hemant Karkare's family. The Congress party also demanded an apology from the Bharatiya Janta Party leaders for having defended its decision to give a ticket to the Malegaon blast accused Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, after the special National Investigation Agency (NIA) court rejected a plea seeking to bar Thakur from contesting the 17th Lok Sabha elections.
"This is an insult to every Indian soldier who has sacrificed his life for Mother India while fighting terrorism. Apologize to the country and take action against Pragya," said Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala while addressing a presser.
Surjewala added, "We wish Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi forget about the niceties of law, would have punished such a person in their party who wants to annihilate the entire family of Hemant Karkare. "
Further taking a dig at Shah, Surjewala said, "I wish Amit Shah had read the pain of the daughter of Hemant Karkare on the disrespect being shown to the martyrs of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack in an interview to a leading Hindi daily, today (Wednesday)."
The special National Investigation Agency court on Wednesday rejected a plea seeking to bar Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Malegaon blasts accused Pragya Singh Thakur from contesting the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.
“In the ongoing elections, the court does not have any legal powers to prohibit anyone from contesting the polls,” the court said,
Since the announcement of the candidature of the self-styled saffron-robed Sadhvi from Bhopal Parliamentary Constituency drew flak from all quarters, BJP leaders including its chief Amit Shah have been defending her saying that she was framed in false cases by those who had coined the term "Hindu terror" and indulged in vote bank politics.