New Delhi: Amid the privacy scare that WhatsApp will start sharing some data with Facebook and its allied companies, cyber experts opined that the messaging app is taking advantage as India has no law on privacy and data protection and enforcing personal data protection bill is the need of the hour.
"Despite two bills being presented to the Parliament for the data protection in 2018 and 19, no law so far has been passed and enacted in India and WhatsApp is also trying to take advantage of this situation that the law on the privacy and data protection doesn't exist in the country," said Anuj Agarwal, Chairman, Center for Research on Cybercrime and Cyberlaw.
Talking about the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, Anuj Agarwal said, "the bill is already good but the need is to pass it in the parliament and then strictly enforce it. If there are some lacunas, they can always be taken care of by amendments later on when it is put in use."
Since, there is no law, all social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook are taking advantage of their being no law and thereby breaching the privacy of the individuals, he added.