New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has extended the suspension of its functioning, along with that of its subordinate courts, till June 14, keeping in view the prevailing situation regarding the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19.
All the benches of the high court would, however, take up urgent matters through video conferencing as per the roster.
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"The Hon'ble Administrative and General Supervision Committee of this Court while considering a further extension of suspended functioning of this Court and taking note of the prevalent situation, in continuation of this Court's Office orders, has been pleased to order that the functioning of the High Court of Delhi shall continue to remain suspended till 14.06.2020," the order read.
The high court has also ordered for the suspension of the functioning of its subordinate courts till the same date i.e. June 14. "It is further ordered that the matters listed in the subordinate courts from 01.06.2020 to 12.06.2020 be adjourned en bloc and information in this regard be uploaded on District Court website. The other directions contained in this Court's Office Order No.R-235/RGIDHC/2020 dated 16.05.2020 be duly complied with," the court said.