New Delhi: As per the latest update, AIMA i.e. All India Management Association has formally declared the AIMA UGAT 2020 Result for the recently held Under Graduate Aptitude Test (UGAT) 2020.
The UGAT 2020 Result Declared today is for the Remote Proctored Internet-Based Test (IBT) that was held on 19th July 2020.
Following the successful completion of the test, the association has now released the AIMA UGAT 2020 Results. Candidates who had appeared for UGAT 2020 exam can now log onto the official website to check and access their result.
Taking into account the current situation of COVID-19, AIMA has decided to declare the UGAT 2020 Result online only in the form of digital scorecards that are being issued to the students via the official website.
The digital scorecard for AIMA UGAT 2020 Result contains personal information about the candidates, as well as their score for different sections as well as the overall score.
The scorecard also mentions the rank secured by the candidate in the UGAT 2020 examination. On the basis of the digital scorecard, students will be able to apply to various colleges that accept UGAT 2020 score.
How to check AIMA UGAT 2020 Result online?
Candidates who have appeared for UGAT 2020 exam held on 19th July 2020 can follow the simple steps listed below to check and access their Results online.