Ernakulam: The Kerala government on Friday came out against the Trial court in the actor assault case and has moved the High Court seeking to change the Court before further trial proceedings. The petitions would be considered by the HC on Monday.
Raising serious allegations against the proceedings of Trial Court, the survivor actor has also approached the Kerala HC for transferring the trial to another court. The prosecution informed the High Court that the accused person’s counsels are deliberately harassing the survivor mentally and that the trial Court has been taking a favourable stand to towards the accused.
The High Court asked the prosecutor as to why the mental harassment of the survivor was not immediately taken up with the trial court. The Government’s prosecutor, in the response, clarified that despite informing the trial court about the mental harassment the court did not consider it.
When asked about the completion of the trial proceedings, the prosecution said, "This trial court was biased and has shown injustice in the case and the proceedings were carried out in a time-bound manner."
The Government also informed its willingness to hand over the details of the happenings inside the Trial Court during the proceedings in a sealed envelope. The prosecution also raised allegations that many documents related to the case are not being handed over to the prosecution.