New Delhi: After few raised questions over the legality of BJP's IT Cell chief Amit Malviya sharing the identity of the 19-year-old alleged Hathras to gang-rape victim who succumbed to injuries in a Delhi hospital, the NCW chief said it will send notice to all those who shared the identity, including actor Swara Bhaskar, Congress leader Digvijaya Singh among others, once rape is established.
"Not only Amit Malviya but others like Digvijaya Singh, Swara Bhaskar & many others have revealed the identity of the Hathras victim on social media and others at Jantar Mantar," said the National Commission for Women chief Rekha Sharma.
Sharma further stated that the report is not clear on rape and the Court has also taken Suo Motu cognizance. "Once it's clear, NCW will give notice to everyone. I have details of each and every person putting pictures on social media or on posters," said she.
On the evening of October 2, Malviya had tweeted a video of the victim saying, "Haathras victim's interaction with a reporter outside AMU where she claimed there was an attempt to strangulate her neck.
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