New Delhi: Nine hundred and ninety-four people have been arrested by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) in connection with a software called 'Real Mango', which was used to illegally acquire tickets in the special trains amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to Arun Kumar, Director General of the RPF, fake tickets worth 87.70 lakhs were blocked based on information received by them and total arrest included 239 agents.
"On August 9, a software called Rare (Real) Mango was traced. On investigation, it was revealed that it had to do with fraud in railway ticketing and a man named Pankaj Kumar Prajapati was arrested from Pratapgarh. A detailed campaign was further carried out based on inputs received by the RPF. People connected to the network used phone numbers and KYCs of labourers and poor people to get railway tickets and open accounts." Kumar said.
"On the basis of information received from Pankaj Kumar Prajapati, three more individuals, called Matiar Khan also known as (aka) Subir Biswas aka Amit Roy and Rehan Khan aka Shamsher Ansari were arrested. Further investigation revealed more names and consequently, more arrests. Subhendu Biswas, also known as Mango Sir, the person handling the entire network was also arrested," Kumar added.
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