New Delhi:In a bizarre case of kidnapping, a 91-year-old man was allegedly stuffed in a fridge and taken away by his domestic help in south Delhi's posh Greater Kailash-II area.
Kishan Dev Khosla (91) lived on the first floor of the house along with his wife Saroj Khosla (87) in GK-II's M block area. Khosla was a central government employee and was last deputed with the United Nations.
The crime came to light on Sunday morning after Saroj discovered that her husband and their domestic help Kishan (22) were missing from the house.
As per Saroj's statement to the police, on Saturday evening between 6:30-7 p.m., their domestic help Kishan served them tea in the drawing-room.
"After having tea Saroj woke up the following day which is Sunday around 5:30 a.m. at the same place where she last had tea. She did not find her husband in the house or the domestic help. She then informed the security guard and the police were called in as well," said a senior police official.