New Delhi: Close to nine crore users have downloaded the Aarogya Setu mobile application and it has been made mandatory that government and private sector employees use it to bolster efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Group of Ministers (GoM) on COVID-19 was informed about this on Tuesday by officials during its 14th meeting in which it also discussed various aspects pertaining to the performance, impact and benefits of the Aarogya Setu application.
The government on Wednesday said no data or security breach has been identified in Aarogya Setu after an ethical hacker raised concerns about a potential security issue in the application and it was criticised by opposition Congress leaders.
The mobile application helps users identify whether they are at risk of COVID-19. It also provides people with important information, including ways to avoid coronavirus and its symptoms.
The GoM was informed that people have informed about their health status on the application which has helped in tracing those suffering with any symptoms for COVID-19 containment.
The GoM was also informed that a mechanism has been devised to reach out to the people who have landline or featured phones through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) in local languages for better results.
Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan who chaired the GoM meeting said use of technology is integral for the containment strategy and is helping the states to manage the deadly disease in a more effective manner.
The Union Home Ministry on Friday also said the mobile app will be must for people living in COVID-19 containment zones.