New Delhi: Eight states, including Maharashtra, Delhi and Tamil Nadu, contributed 85.5 per cent of the active COVID-19 caseload and 87 per cent of the total deaths due to the disease in India, according to the Union Health Ministry.
The ministry said it shared the information with the Group of Ministers (GoM) on COVID-19 and asked to ramp up testing and reach full national testing capacity of three-lakh samples a day on Saturday.
"It was mentioned that presently eight states - Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Telangana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal - contribute 85.5 per cent of active caseload and 87 per cent of total deaths in India," it said in a statement.
India has reported five lakh COVID-19 cases with the worst single-day jump of 18,552 cases on Saturday. The death toll has climbed to 15,685.
The health ministry said it also briefed the GOM during its 17th meeting about the recovery and mortality rates, doubling rate and ramped up testing in various states.
It told the GoMs 15 central teams consisting of public health experts, epidemiologists and a senior joint secretary-level officer have been deployed to provide support to the states.
Another central team is currently visiting Gujarat, Maharashtra and Telangana to strengthen ongoing efforts for management of COVID-19, it said.
The GoM was also briefed about the utility of ITIHAS and Aarogya Setu in contact-tracing and prediction of potential hotspot areas.
The GOM was told that the key focus areas continually communicated to states and UTs are strict containment measures and surveillance, utilizing full testing capacity and focus on monitoring of co-morbid and elderly population and predicting emerging hotspots leveraging digital tools such as Aarogya Setu.
They have also been asked to ensure seamless patient admission processes, fatality mitigation by effective clinical management; focus on infrastructure preparedness (critical care beds, oxygen, ventilators and logistics) and ensuring that non-COVID healthcare services are not impacted.