New Delhi: Over 4,300 urban local bodies have so far been declared open defecation-free in the country under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban, the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry said on Thursday.
The ministry said it has been made possible through the construction of more than 66 lakh individual household toilets and over 6 lakh community and public toilets, far exceeding the Mission's targets.
"Since its launch in 2014, Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban (SBM-U) has made significant progress in the area of both sanitation and solid waste management. A total of 4,327 urban local bodies have been declared open defecation-free (ODF) so far," the ministry said in a statement.
In the statement, the ministry also said that it was celebrating the sixth anniversary of SBM-U by organising a webinar titled 'Swachhata Ke 6 Saal, Bemisaal' on Friday.