New Delhi: Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Tuesday that at least 33 doctors at present are infected by COVID-19 in the national capital.
The minister held a video conference with Delhi LG Anil Baijal, Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain and surveillance officers to discuss the COVID-19 containment strategies and assess the ground reports.
Harsh Vardhan said that at least 4.11 per cent of the healthcare workers in Delhi have been affected by Coronavirus, which is a worrisome trend.
"In Delhi, the percentage of health workers affected by COVID-19 is 4.11 per cent. This includes 13 paramedics, 26 nurses, 24 field workers and 33 doctors. They are the worst affected by the COVID-19 exposure in some way or the other. This is worrying," said the Health Minister.