Jammu: The Jammu and Kashmir administration on Friday said nearly 30,000 people have returned to the union territory from the entry point of Lakhanpur and arrangements are being made to bring back others stranded outside Jammu and Kashmir in an orderly manner.
The nodal officer for movement of stranded people of Jammu and Kashmir said social distancing norms are being adhered to and tests carried out to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the UT.
"Approximately 30,000 people have entered the UT, with proper regulation, from Lakhanpur (lone entry point to Jammu and Kashmir)," the nodal officer said.
He said after the announcement made by the Ministry of Home Affairs on April 29, allowing movement of stranded people with certain conditions, the government issued a standard operating procedure (SOP) a day later.
"Further, the J-K government has collected details of stranded people who wish to return to the UT by providing web links for registration. Arrangements are being made for their arrival in an orderly manner while adhering to the social distancing norms and undertaking testing so as to ensure that timely action is taken to prevent any spread of COVID-19 in Jammu and Kashmir," the nodal officer said.
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Migrant workers, students and stranded people from Himachal Pradesh and Punjab have already returned to J&K over the last few days, he said.