Hyderabad: In the last four days, 203 people have gone missing in Telangana. Missing cases have been registered in the police stations. The police have embedded the details of these cases in TG Police official website. The cases of 65 people missing across the state in a single day have become viral since yesterday.
Yesterday, 13 missing cases were registered in Hyderabad Commissionerate, 8 in Rachakonda Commissionerate and 11 in Cyberabad. While more than 20,000 people went missing last year, police records show that nearly 1,300 people have gone missing in the past eight months. Telangana police received 65 missing cases on October 25th, 63 on 26th and 67 cases on October 27th.
Some left home unannounced, others went to the homes of relatives and friends and did not return, police said. Police believe a large percentage of them left home after a fight with family members or due to a love affair. However, after returning home, the missing persons are not recorded in the police records as having returned. Family members have not notified police that the missing have returned home. Police officials say the situation needs to change. Authorities say family members and relatives who went missing need to report the incident to the police station after the victims return home.
Police officials said that after receiving complaints about the missings, the police investigate all matters and register an FIR. They know all the precedents and conduct an investigation.
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