New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday directed the Delhi Police to continue giving round-the-clock security to controversial arms dealer Abhishek Verma, who is a witness in a 1984 anti-Sikh riots case, observing that he was receiving threats.
A single-judge bench of Justice Yogesh Khanna also asked the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Delhi Police to file their replies on Verma's petition and listed the matter for further hearing on November 26.
Verma, in his application filed through advocate Maninder Singh, sought directions to the respondent Delhi Police to continue to provide security cover and protection to the petitioner Abhishek Verma and his family members given the imminent life threats received by the petitioner for being a key witness in 1984 anti-Sikh riots case.
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Verma told the court that on August 4, Delhi Police at night handed over the formal order for withdrawing the security of the petitioner and thus leaving the petitioner and his family members unprotected and vulnerable.
On August 18, he immediately approached the trial court, which observed that "considering the sensitive nature of the case and its history, the DCP concerned is requested to ensure that for a further period of 1 month which may be required by the petitioner to approach the appropriate forum, the previous arrangement for providing security may be continued".