New Delhi: India on Monday witnessed a spike of over 11,000 cases second day in a row with 325 deaths taking the total tally of Covid-19 cases to 3,32,424, Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare data revealed.
According to the ministry, at least 11,502 fresh cases were recorded in the last 24 hours -- the fourth consecutive day showing an increase of over 10,000 cases.
A total of 325 people died during the same time taking the toll to 9,520 so far since the first case was reported on January 30, the Health Ministry data said.
For the seventh consecutive day, the number of recoveries (1,69,797) remained higher than the active ones (1,53,106).
Maharashtra remained the worst-hit state in the country with total cases crossing the one lakh mark -- 1,07,958 cases, including 3,950 deaths. Maharashtra witnessed a spike of 3,390 cases in last 24 hours with 120 fatalities.
It is followed by Tamil Nadu with 44,661 cases and the national capital with 41,182 Covid-19 cases.