Chitradurga (Karnataka): Karnataka Congress chief DK Shivkumar was seen wearing a t-shirt highlighting the 'unemployment' problems during the Karnataka leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra on Wednesday. The Congress leader wore a bright red coloured t-shirt with yellow text- symbolically signifying Kannada colours- highlighting the problem of unemployment while walking alongside Congress MP Rahul Gandhi during the 35th day of the Yatra.
"Youth need jobs, not empty promises", a message, written on DK Shivkumar's t-shirt in the Kannada language. The State Congress chief accused the BJP government of failing to tame the rising unemployment in Karnataka. While taking a dig out at the Centre, DK Shivkumar said, "It is our responsibility to stand accountable with the promises we make to our youth who repose their faith in us believing that we would take care of their future and utilize their potential". "Youth need jobs, not empty promises", he added.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi resumed the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' from the Challakere town, Chitradurga in Karnataka on Wednesday. The Congress leader also held a meeting with around 2000 unemployed youth from the southern state. Karnataka Leader of Opposition Siddaramaiah and State Congress chief DK Shivkumar were also present with Rahul during the Karnataka leg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra today.