Mumbai: The Congress has planned to organize two rallies in Maharashtra as part of Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Yatra which is set to enter the state on November 7. The rallies will be held at Nanded and at Shegaon in Buldhana district, senior party leader Manikrao Thakre told PTI on Wednesday. The Yatra will proceed through the Nanded district for four days. Rahul Gandhi will address a public meeting in the district on November 10, he said.
The campaign -- a foot march -- will enter Maharashtra at Deglur in Nanded district from Telangana on November 7 and travel for 382 km across five districts before entering Madhya Pradesh on November 20. In Maharashtra, the Yatra is scheduled to enter Hingoli district on November 11, Washim district on November 15, Akola district on November 16 and Buldhana district on November 18. The Shegaon rally in Buldhana will be held between November 18 to 20.