Indore:Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Minister Mohan Yadav said on Thursday that the state was looking to start teaching the Bhagavad Gita in colleges. The Mahabharata is already taught in Madhya Pradesh colleges under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The new addition is said to be in accordance with the NEP-based syllabus.
Speaking about the matter, Yadav said the move was to imbibe India's 'glorious past' and make students aware of legendary figures in Indian history. "Just like Ram Charit Manas which is taught in the first year, the Bhagavad Gita, too, will be included in the second-year syllabus in colleges. Alongside this, our glorious past as well as personalities who appear at various times, including Mata Ahilya, Raja Vikramaditya, and Raja Bhoj, will be included in the curriculum.