Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): Hours prior to the first round of elections in the state, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that Uttar Pradesh can become Kashmir, Kerala or Bengal if voters 'make a mistake'. In a clip shared by him, Yogi Adityanath tweeted in Hindi saying (roughly translated)," Vote, be sure to do it! Your one vote will decide the future of Uttar Pradesh. Otherwise, it will not take long for Uttar Pradesh to become Kashmir, Kerala and Bengal."
With the people lining up for the first phase of polling, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also urged voters to cast their votes to strengthen the resolution of the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) for a "crime-free, fear-free, riot-free" state. Adityanath also lauded the role of the voters, saying that the sanctity of polling will be incomplete without their contribution, and requested them to "vote first" before taking up any other work for the day.
"Today is the first phase of polling in Uttar Pradesh. This sanctity of polling will be incomplete without your (voters) contribution. Your one vote will strengthen our resolution of a crime-free, fear-free, riot-free Uttar Pradesh. That's why 'vote first' then do any other work," the Chief Minister further tweeted. The UP CM Yogi Adityanath is seeking a second term in UP, with former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav's Samajwadi Party emerging as the prime competitor.