BENGALURU: Bengaluru residents on Wednesday morning were taken aback to see 'Sorry Ma' 'Sorry Pa', 'Sorry' with Cupid's arrow used as suffix splashed on walls, streets and staircases of a college. Sprayed in red paint, this graffiti venting emotional outpourings was reckoned as some jilted lovebird's handiwork by the people around.
Bengaluru residents taken aback to see reddened SORRY splashed across streets
Bengaluru residents on Wednesday morning were taken aback, to see 'Sorry Ma' 'Sorry Pa' 'Sorry' , 'Sorry' with Cupid's Arrow used as suffix splashed on walls, streets and staircases of a college. Red color spray paint was used to give vent to emotional outpourings. Perhaps, some jilted lovebird's handiwork.
The bizarre incident happened in the Silicon Valley on Tuesday night. Several streets, walls of houses, apartments, residential blocks and college compound were reddened with what seemed a heartfelt apology. While this unusual act left everybody scratching their heads, some of the locals suspected two youngsters who were spotted riding a Duke with a food delivery bag between 11 to 12 pm on Tuesday night might have done the deed.
The college principal and local people informed Kamakshipalya police and they responded immediately to check the writings. The incident has gone viral on social media. Some opined that it was the work of some crazy lover. The Kamakshipalya police meanwhile have launched an investigation to find the author of this 'Special Script'.