Bengaluru (Karnataka): The cab driver who raped the young woman inside the car in Bengaluru took selfies with the victim before committing the crime. The incident came to light as the victim managed to grab his mobile phone before fleeing from the car.
Devaraju, the cab driver, hailing from Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh was arrested after a young man filed a complaint with Jeevan Bhima Nagar police. The woman, who works in a private company, had booked a cab to go to Murugesh Palya at 2 am, after a party at her friend's house in HSR Layout, a suburb in south-east Banglore, on Tuesday. She had complained that the driver raped her in the backseat of the cab by locking the car door after they reached the destination.
Based on her complaint, Devaraju, 25, was arrested. Initially, Devaraju maintained that he just tried to wake up the woman sleeping in the cab. However, he confessed to the crime during the course of the investigation.