Bengaluru: Although rain has stopped, Bengaluru continued to battle with knee-deep water, especially in Mahadevpur and K.R. Puram on Wednesday. T V Mohandas Pai, an Information technology (IT) veteran blamed bad governance and lack of urban reforms as key reasons for the situation in the IT hub. The heavy downpour in the last couple of days had inundated several parts of the city including Rainbow Layout and Sarjapur Road in Mahadevpur Constituency.
As the rain has stopped, roads have cleared but the condition of residential areas remains the same. Housing complexes in White Field, Bellandur, and Sarjapur were filled with rainwater up to four to five feet and the residents were forced to leave their homes and take shelter in lodges.
Speaking on the floods in Bengaluru, Mohandas, a former Chief Financial Officer of IT major Infosys Ltd said that they were the "...result of ineffective government, bad governance, and high corruption. Money is allocated and largely shoddy work due to high corruption, lack of capability in the corporation, illegal construction, the list goes on."
Also read:Schools, colleges shut in 4 Tamil Nadu districts due to heavy rain
After the three days of torrential rains have eased off, residents are heading back to their apartments. Scenes of JCB tractors loaded with families and luggage have become a common sight, but the situation looks promising from here on. With the efforts of rescue teams, water is being drained out from residential complexes.