Bengaluru:Shivappa (48), a resident of JRM Pearl Apartment, Munnekolala, was arrested by the Marathalli police on charges of killing 65-year-old Venkatesappa with a bat over money matters on Monday. Venkatesappa succumbed to his injuries due to severe bleeding on Sunday night in a private hospital. According to police officials, Shivappa, a real estate agent, attacked his relative Venkatesappa on his head with a cricket bat for asking to return his loan amount.
Police said Venkatesappa had helped arrange Rs 7.5 lakhs with the help of Baguru residents Nanjunda Reddy and Prakash on Shivappa's request to raise a loan. On demanding the return of the borrowed money, Shivappa issued cheques that bounced back. Enraged by the delay in the payment, Venkatesh had come to talk to him at his residence with Nanjunda and Prakash.