Bengaluru: The Bengaluru police on Monday arrested a 46-year-old landlord for raping a woman tenant from West Bengal at gunpoint, officials said on Sunday. The accused is a native of Bihar and lives with his family in Central Bengaluru. The Ashok Nagar police registered a case against him on Saturday after which he was arrested based on a complaint. Both the accused and the victim were sent for a medical examination, as informed by police.
Bengaluru: Man arrested for raping tenant at gunpoint
The survivor is a student and is said to have confronted the landlord over the latter’s restrictions on any male friends visiting her residence.
The incident occurred on April 11 when the accused barged into the victim’s home and sexually assaulted her at gunpoint. He also told her that he was very powerful and influential and can get away with anything, informed the police. The survivor is a student and is said to have confronted the landlord over the latter’s restrictions on any male friends visiting her residence.
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