Udupi:Belagavicontractor Santosh K Patil who wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi against Karnataka minister, KS Eshwarappa, committed suicide at a lodge here, on Tuesday. The contractor had hogged the limelight recently for having written a letter to the Prime Minister, alleging Minister Eshwarappa and his associates of harassing him to give 40 per cent commission, in order to clear bills for the civil work that he carried out on the Minister’s instructions.
As per reports, the contractor resorted to the extreme measure in a hotel room and sent his suicide note to some media persons through WhatsApp. Following the incident, police immediately reached the lodge and carried out an inspection. Santosh Patil, who hails from Badas village in Vijaya Nagar is a BJP member and well known amongst Eshwarappa's close circles.
Read:Congress MPs seek PM's intervention, inquiry into 40% bribe for K'taka govt contracts