Mumbai:Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut, on the occasion of Guru Purnima tweeted that Balasaheb Thackeray is a 'guru' figure, meaning teacher, for all. Speaking on the occasion, Raut who is a Uddhav loyalist, took a dig at Chief Minister Eknath Shinde saying, "Balasaheb Thackeray is not just a 'guru' for the Shiv Sena or the Shiv Sainiks but for all those who love the Shiv Sena and are loyal to the Shiv Sena. Balasaheb gave us a direction, he guided us. He gave us everything and he is in our hearts. Being loyal to him is a true Gurudakshina."
"Balasaheb Thackeray gave direction to the country. Such 'gurus' are not only remembered on Guru Purnima but every day. Millions consider him a Guru and stay loyal to him. This is the true 'Guru Dakshina' and 'Manavandana'," Raut added.
Also read:Sena welcomes SC order asking Maha Speaker not to proceed with plea seeking disqualification of Thackeray group MLAs
Earlier in the day, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, greeting everyone on the occasion of Guru Purnima, tweeted in Marathi saying "There should not be any compromise with Balasaheb's vision of Hindutva." Ever since the rift in the Shiv Sena, Shinde has always maintained that the Shiv Sena should not have compromised on its Hindutva ideals and joined hands with the Congress and the NCP into forming the Maha Vikas Agadhi government. Shinde considered the BJP a more 'natural ally' of the Shiv Sena.
Eknath Shinde, leader of the Shiv Sena rebels formed the government in Maharashtra with the BJP as its partner and ex-Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis as his Deputy a few weeks back. The Shinde faction is presently fighting a legal battle with the Uddhav faction over whether the new government has been legally formed and which group is the 'real' Shiv Sena.