Narayanapeta (Telangana): At the age of 6, Mohammed Danish went missing from Narayanapeta in Telangana. He ended up in a care centre in Mumbai where the officials tried hard to trace his native place by using his Aadhaar biometrics but to no avail. After nine years, the boy got selected for the under-15 national football team, which made the team managers to make all out efforts to finally trace the boy's parents by using his fingerprints.
Danish is presently aged 15 and was recently selected for the under-15 national football team. For completing his induction in the team, the officials concerned had to locate his parents and native place. They could not get these details from the care center authorities, who failed to get them. As a result, the football team tested the boy's latest fingerprints. It gave the Aadhaar number and the details of his parents.
They had not known these details for nine years. It was found that the boy belongs to Telangana and is the son of Mohammed Moiz and Shabana from Baharpet in Narayanapeta district headquarters. That's when his life took another turn. He was brought up to parents who have been struggling for their son for nine years.