Ballia:A leave application written by constable Sunil Kumar Yadav posted in Dial 122 is doing the rounds on social media. He has sought leave from the authorities on account of spending some quality time with his wife. The viral leave application has unearthed the issue of leaves in the police department.
The leave application was submitted by Sunil on 28th July. He wrote, "It has been seven months since my marriage and so far no good news has been received. I have taken the medicine as per the doctor's advice. Now, I have to spend time with my wife, so I need to go home. It is requested that please give me 15 days' leave." His leave application was accepted by the officials, and later on, went viral on the internet.
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The viral letter has created a stir in the police department. After the application went viral, officials removed the line and took action against the charge of 112 due to this negligence. Significantly, holidays have always been an issue in the police force. In view of elections, festivals, and law and order, policemen rarely get off days.
Due to the implementation of the border scheme, the policemen stay away from their families. In this case, Additional Superintendent of Police Durga Prasad Tiwari remarked, "It is everyone's right to take leave. There is no problem in granting leave on normal days, except for occasional festival emergencies. However, there is no information about the viral application of the constable."