Bengaluru:A Sessions Court in Bengaluru has rejected the bail plea of Rahmatullah from Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli, who is in judicial custody for having allegedly threatened the life of Karnataka High Court judges who pronounced the verdict on wearing hijab in classrooms recently. A City Civil and Sessions Court rejected Rahmatullah's plea on Saturday. Mohammed Usmani, a member of Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ), is another person arrested on similar charges. Both are in judicial custody.
A bench comprising Karnataka High Court Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna Dixit and Justice Khazi M Jaibunnisa upheld the ban on hijab in Karnataka's educational institutions recently. Videos of Rahmatullah and Usmani, both from Tamil Nadu, went viral where they are allegedly heard making the threat.
Judge V Prakash rejected the bail plea after public prosecutor B S Patil convinced the court that the charges against the accused were serious in nature and his custody was necessary.
Bail plea of person who threatened HC judges in hijab case rejected
A Sessions Court in Bengaluru has rejected the bail plea of Rahmatullah from Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli, who is in judicial custody for having allegedly threatened the life of Karnataka High Court judges who pronounced the verdict on wearing hijab in classrooms recently.
Bail plea of person who threatened HC judges in hijab case rejected