Raipur:Putting speculations to rest, Chhattisgarh Health Minister TS Singh Deo said on Saturday that Bhupesh Baghel will be the Chief Minister face for the forthcoming Assembly polls in the state. Speaking further, Singh Deo said, "Among the options, the people choose the best one. There was no reason that he would not be our party's CM face. This time around, we did not see the probable face for the CM post in Bharatiya Janata Party."
"People will see the best options among candidates belonging to the Congress party, BJP, Jogi Congress and Aam Aadmi Party while casting their votes. Earlier, BJP's Raman Singh was the established face of the party. In earlier polls Congress did not have a CM face, but people gave a verdict in favour of our party. And now, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel became the popular face for the CM's post in the Congress party," said Singh Deo.