Rampur (Uttar Pradesh): Senior Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan on Monday alleged that a police officer had cautioned him in Sitapur Jail to "stay underground" once he goes outside or else there may be a threat to his life. Khan was released from Uttar Pradesh's Sitapur jail on May 20 after 27 months of being imprisoned since the Supreme Court granted him an interim bail in a land-grabbing case.
Addressing the media, Azam Khan said, "I didn't give my 40 years to get gold and silver bracelets, nor do I have any bungalow. When the ED came for 5 days in jail for my interrogation, they asked me about my properties abroad and bank accounts. I just told them that I am not angry with them over the questions, but rather felt ashamed of where I was born?"
On being asked about leadership, Khan said, "I have never been a leader. Had I been a leader, many things would not have been possible. I would not have built a university or a school for children. You should know that Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar Trust, of which I am the chairman and the chancellor of the university, is a non-beneficiary organization."