Rampur:National President of Rashtriya Lok Dal Chaudhary Jayant Singh and SP leader Azam Khan in a public meeting here launched a fresh attack on Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath Yogi on Saturday. They had come to address the public and appeal for votes in support of SP candidate Asim Raja. During the public gathering, Asim Raja took a dig at the UP CM saying that if anyone says anything against the CM, there is a lawsuit filed against him. He alleged that the UP government is using the police forces arbitrarily. People have lost their freedom and live in constant fear due to the fascist ways of the government.
The SP leader went on to say that UP is not governed in a proper way and that the Yogi government has reached here only by telling lies. Khan on the stage said he is the biggest criminal in the eyes of Yogi as he never shies away from raising questions about the ruling party. Displeased Khan said, "I am at fault, my son and wife are at fault."