Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana spent an entire day with BSF soldiers in Jammu and shared a video detailing his experience. Ayushmann took to Instagram where he shared a reel showcasing what he did during the day with the soldiers. The clips show Ayushmann working out, jogging, and playing cricket with the jawans.
Ayushmann Khurrana spends Independence day with BSF jawans in Jammu
Actor Ayushmaan Khurrana celebrated Independence day with BSF soldiers and shared the pictures online. He was seen playing cricket and learning about their experiences.
Ayushmann spends day with BSF jawans in Jammu
He later went to the Border Security Force Frontier HQ, Jammu, where he was seen dancing and planting a tree. The video ends with a message, which read: "Happy Independence Day." For the caption, the actor wrote: "Inspiring stories. Everlasting memories. Grateful beyond words. Jai Hind." On the work front, the actor will next be seen in 'An Action Hero' by Aanand L. Rai and 'Doctor G', where he is paired opposite Rakul Preet Singh.
Indian independence day