New Delhi: Eight flights with over 1,500 Indians will operate from war-torn Ukraine's neighbouring countries to India on Monday, the Civil Aviation Ministry stated on Sunday. The Ukrainian airspace has been shut since February 24 due to the Russian military offensive. Indian citizens fleeing Ukraine are being airlifted from its neighbours such as Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.
"Under 'Operation Ganga' to rescue Indian citizens, 2,135 Indians have been brought back today (Sunday) by 11 special civilian flights from Ukraine's neighbouring countries," the ministry noted in a statement. "Tomorrow, eight special flights are expected to operate from Budapest (five), Suceava (two) and Bucharest (one), bringing more than 1,500 Indians back home, it mentioned.
Meanwhile, Union Minister for Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia tweeted that India has evacuated over 15920 students via 76 flights.