Kota (Rajasthan): The audience, who came to watch the 'Pathaan' movie at a theatre in Kota city of Rajasthan, created a ruckus on Thursday. They created a scene where the movie tickets were sold more than the seating capacity leading to the commotion in the cinema hall. A large number of movie buffs, who had come to watch the film, resorted to vandalism. People stormed the theatre canteen and began looting snacks. Sensing the gravity of the situation, the canteen and theatre staffers fled the theatre. On receiving the information, police rushed to the spot to bring the situation under control.
Read:Protest erupts in Bihar's Bhagalpur over screening of 'Pathaan'
On Thursday, the screening of the movie 'Pathaan' at Natraj Adlabs located on Station Road in the Bhimganjmandi locality of the city was stalled just after ten minutes due to a protest. The theatre was running 'house full' on Thursday. Excess tickets were sold against the seating capacity of the theatre which led to the melee.
On receiving the information, the Bhimganj Mandi police rushed to the spot to pacify the unruly mob. Arrangements have been made with the theatre owner to refund the money of those unable to watch the movie. Women, along with children, who had gone to the theatre to watch the movie were a harried lot due to uproarious scenes prevailing at the cinema hall. SHO Jitendra Singh Shekhawat said, "A police team was sent to the spot to bring the situation under control. The money of those who are unable to watch the movie was refunded. The matter was resolved and the situation was brought under control."